In ancient Chinese astrological lore, however, which is now about 5000 years old, the study of horoscopes were based primarily on the theory of the Twelve Earth Branches governed by the twelve-year lunar cycle. Before each year had been given an animal name, these were identified by their earth branches only.
Special sets of characteristics are found in each of the twelve types according to its earth branch. These interact with one another n a myriad ways and degrees of intensity, which also plays a significant role in shaping our personalities and relationships.
Chinese culture is in itself a most colorful fabric of intricate relationships. To the realistic Chinese, there are no short cuts in forming and maintaining relationships. People go to painstaking lengths to make the proper links and realise that alliances are never permanent or total - situations could change with the weather.
These can explain the positive and negative attributes of each earth branch and show how to understand and work with each of the twelve basic personalities of the lunar cycle.
This whole intriguing science could simply be defined as 'knowing people'.
No | Earth Branch | Western sign | Dates |
1 | Rat | Sagittarius | November 22nd to December 21st |
2 | Ox | Capricorn | December 22nd to January 20th |
3 | Tiger | Aquarius | January 21st to February 19th |
4 | Rabbit | Pisces | February 20th to March 20th |
5 | Dragon | Aries | March 21st to April 19th |
6 | Snake | Taurus | April 20th to May 20th |
7 | Horse | Gemini | May 21st to June 21st |
8 | Sheep | Cancer | June 22nd to July 21st |
9 | Monkey | Leo | July 22nd to August 21st |
10 | Rooster | Virgo | August 22nd to September 22nd |
11 | Dog | Libra | September 23rd to October 22nd |
12 | Boar | Scorpio | October 23rd to November 21st |
The branches are many, but the root is One.- Chinese proverb.
No | Branch Name | Animal Name | Personality - | type |
1 | Zi | Rat | Initiator | 'I do' |
2 | Chou | Ox | Enforcer | 'I will' |
3 | Yin | Tiger | Idealist | 'I feel' |
4 | Mao | Rabbit | Conformist | 'I comply' |
5 | Chen | Dragon | Visionary | 'I see' |
6 | Si | Snake | Strategist | 'I plan' |
7 | Wu | Horse | Adventurer | 'I act' |
8 | Wei | Sheep | Peacemaker | 'I love' |
9 | Shen | Monkey | Innovator | 'I think' |
10 | You | Rooster | Administrator | 'I count' |
11 | Xu | Dog | Guardian | 'I watch' |
12 | Hai | Boar | Unifier | 'I join' |
Date format : DD/MM/YYYY dates are taken from the
Chinese Perpetual (Ten Thousand Years) Lunar Almanac.
The Earth | Sign | Branches | Starting Date | Starting Date | Starting Date | ||
1 | Rat | Zi | 31/01/1900 | 18/02/1912 | 05/02/1924 | ||
2 | Ox | Chou | 19/02/1901 | 06/02/1913 | 25/01/1925 | ||
3 | Tiger | Yin | 08/02/1902 | 26/01/1914 | 13/02/1926 | ||
4 | Rabbit | Mao | 29/01/1903 | 14/02/1915 | 02/02/1927 | ||
5 | Dragon | Chen | 16/02/1904 | 03/02/1916 | 23/01/1928 | ||
6 | Snake | Si | 04/02/1905 | 23/01/1917 | 10/02/1929 | ||
7 | Hourse | Wu | 25/01/1906 | 11/02/1918 | 30/01/1930 | ||
8 | Sheep | Wei | 13/02/1907 | 01/02/1919 | 17/02/1931 | ||
9 | Monkey | Shen | 02/02/1908 | 20/02/1920 | 06/02/1932 | ||
10 | Rooster | You | 22/01/1909 | 08/02/1921 | 26/01/1933 | ||
11 | Dog | Xu | 10/02/1910 | 28/01/1922 | 14/02/1934 | ||
12 | Boar | Hai | 30/01/1911 | 16/02/1923 | 04/02/1935 | ||
1 | Rat | Zi | 24/01/1936 | 10/02/1948 | 28/01/1960 | ||
2 | Ox | Chou | 11/02/1937 | 29/01/1949 | 15/02/1961 | ||
3 | Tiger | Yin | 31/01/1938 | 17/02/1950 | 05/02/1962 | ||
4 | Rabbit | Mao | 19/02/1939 | 06/02/1951 | 25/01/1963 | ||
5 | Dragon | Chen | 08/02/1940 | 27/01/1952 | 13/02/1964 | ||
6 | Snake | Si | 27/01/1941 | 14/02/1953 | 02/02/1965 | ||
7 | Hourse | Wu | 15/02/1942 | 03/02/1954 | 21/01/1966 | ||
8 | Sheep | Wei | 05/02/1943 | 24/01/1955 | 09/02/1967 | ||
9 | Monkey | Shen | 25/01/1944 | 12/02/1956 | 30/01/1968 | ||
10 | Rooster | You | 13/02/1945 | 31/01/1957 | 17/02/1969 | ||
11 | Dog | Xu | 02/02/1946 | 18/02/1958 | 06/02/1970 | ||
12 | Boar | Hai | 22/01/1947 | 08/02/1959 | 27/01/1971 | ||
1 | Rat | Zi | 16/02/1972 | 02/02/1984 | 19/02/1996 | ||
2 | Ox | Chou | 03/02/1973 | 20/02/1985 | 07/02/1997 | ||
3 | Tiger | Yin | 23/01/1974 | 09/02/1986 | 28/01/1998 | ||
4 | Rabbit | Mao | 11/02/1975 | 29/01/1987 | 16/02/1999 | ||
5 | Dragon | Chen | 31/01/1976 | 17/02/1988 | 05/02/2000 | ||
6 | Snake | Si | 18/02/1977 | 06/02/1989 | 24/01/2001 | ||
7 | Hourse | Wu | 07/02/1978 | 27/01/1990 | 12/02/2002 | ||
8 | Sheep | Wei | 28/01/1979 | 15/02/1991 | 01/02/2003 | ||
9 | Monkey | Shen | 16/02/1980 | 04/02/1992 | 22/01/2004 | ||
10 | Rooster | You | 05/02/1981 | 23/01/1993 | 09/02/2005 | ||
11 | Dog | Xu | 25/01/1982 | 10/02/1994 | 29/01/2006 | ||
12 | Boar | Hai | 13/02/1983 | 31/01/1995 | 18/02/2007 | ||
1 | Rat | Zi | 07/02/2008 |
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabit |
Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep |
Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar |
Western System | Chinese - Eastern System | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This same numerical sequence is used in Yantra and Numerology. These numbers contain the key to oriental astrology. Above mention Chinese table is the same of Riddhi Siddhi Yantra of Indian Yantra Shastra.
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