The value of Time is inestimable.
All objects in nature are produced in Time,
developed in Time and
destroyed in Time.
So everything which exists are the functions of Time.
Time is a horse that moves with Seven rays, with a thousand eyes, undecaying, who projects a manifold seed. Him the seers mount, illumined in mind. His wheels are all the worlds.
Time moves seven wheels. He has seven mouths, whose center is immortal and undecaying. He anoints himself with all these worlds. He moves as the first of the Gods.
A full vessel is set in time. May we who live see his manifold forms. He faces all the worlds, who, the seers say, is Time in the supreme void.
He gathered all the works together. He encompasses all the universe. As their father, he became their son, apart from whom there is no other light.
The Vedic Hymn to Time - (Atharva Veda XIX.23.1.-4)
The Value of PI = 3.14159 is contained in the sum of an age, a year and a day of Brahma.
Period | Years |
Brahmic Age | 3,110,400,000,000 years |
Brahmic Year | 31,104,000,000 years |
Brahmic Day | 86,400,000 years |
Total | 3,141,590,400,000 years |
Satya Yuga | 1,728,000 years |
Treta Yuga | 1,296,000 years |
Dvapara Yuga | 864,000 |
Kali yuga | 432,000 years |
This is a complete system of Astronomical Chronology.
To Everything is a season
And a time to every purpose under the heavens
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance...
- Ecclesiastes 3
We can help you to choose the Time for anything you want to do, Refer Muhurat of Panchang*
Nobody could say that the influence of the Sun during the course of one day will be the
same. The Sun in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at midnight cannot and
will not be the same in heat or in any of its other agencies like light, magnetism, electricity etc.
Even animals instinctively feel that they should move in harmony with nature. The palolo worm found in the sea around the Fiji Islands reacts in a very definite way to lunar and solar cycles. They live most part of their lives in deep coral rocks beneath the sea. Near November, the hind portion of the body becomes distended with migrate eggs. In the early morning, exactly one week after the full moon in November, the hind portion detaches itself as a special reproductive individual which comes to the surface, discharges its eggs in an explosive manner and then dies. There is therefore some soft of an instinctive appreciation on the part of the worm of the Moon's influences, and that the eggs should be discharged only when the planetary vibrations are harmoniously disposed.
Time is the flowing image of the Eternal ... and the planets are the instruments of Time. - Plato in Timaeus
Whatever is born or done this moment of time, has the qualities of this moment of time. - Dr. Carl G. Jung
All things come in their due Seasons. - Heraclitus in Fragments of Heraclitus
According to Science, Time can be analyze like below mention table :::
What is Time ?
I. Time's Arrow
II. Time Zones
What is Relativity ?
I. Special Relativity
Evidence Supporting Special Relativity
Formula:Mass Defect
Formula: Mass-Energy
Twin Paradox
Lorentz Contraction
II. General Relativity
III. Frame of Reference
Measuring Time
I. Atomic Clock
Time-keeping Atoms
II. Units of Time
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 180° East ( or West), called International Date Line |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | + 12 hr |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | + 6.30 hr |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 12 noon of the same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:04 hms |
Caroline Islands, Pac. Ocean (area East of 160° E), USA,
Ellice Islands (British), Western Pacific, Gilbert Island (British)
Fiji Islands ( A group of 322 islands);
Marshal Island (170° E), Pac. (USA)
New Zealand;
USSR Long. E157.30° to 172.30°
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 172.30° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +11:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +6 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 11:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:59 hms |
Nauru Island ( 166°-55'E; 0°-32'S)
Norfolk Island, Australia 29°S/170°E
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 170° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +11:20 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +05:50 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 11:20 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:08 hms |
Niue Island, Pacific Ocean, Savage Island, Pacific Ocean
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 165° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +11 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +05:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 11 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:54 |
Kuril Island, USSR ( 46° N: 160°E)
New Caledonia Islands (21°-30'S; 166° E), Pacific
New Hebrides, The - 16° S: 167-30' E
Ocean Island, Pacific ( 170° E)
Ponape (US Pacific Trust Territory)
Santa Cruz Islands & Solomon Island - (8° S: 158° E) Pacific
Truk (US Pacific Trust Territory)
USSR; Long 142.30'E to 157.30 E.
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 150° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +10 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +04:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 10 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:44 |
Admiralty Islands (Australian Trust Territory), 147° E.
Australian Capital Territory
Caroline Island (West of 160°E) - US Trust Territory
Guam (US Pacific Territory), 14°N; 145°E
Ladrone (Meriana) Islands 16°N; 146°E US Territory
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 142°.30' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +09:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +04:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 09:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:39 |
Australia, Broken Hill Area of New South Wales
Australia, Northern Territory of
Australia, South Australia
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 135° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +09:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +03:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 09:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:35 |
China (Manchuria)
Indonesia :- Aru Islands, Kei Islands, Moluccas Islands, Tanimbar Islands, West Irian (ex Dutch New Guinea)
Japan ( and Japan Islands)
Korea ( Democratic Republic of North )
Schouten Islands ( North of West Irian), 135°E/1°-30' S
USSR : Long 112°30' to 127°30'E ( Yakutsk, Chitinsk )
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 120° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +08:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +02:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 08:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:25 |
Australia (Western Australia)
Brunei (British Borneo) 4°-55'N; 114°-57'E
* China (including coast) (Certain parts keep summer Time)
* Formosa (Taiwan)
* Hongkong
Indonesia :- i. Borneo, ii. Celebes, iii. Flores, iv. Lombok, v. Timor
Lomblem Island (south east of Celebes)
* Macau (Macao), (Portuguese Terr.) 22°13'North: 113°33'East
Malaysia, Federation of - i. Sarawak ( 113°30'E; 2°35'N) ii. Sabah ( 117°E; 6°N)
* Pescadores Island (Formosa)
Philippine Islands
Portuguese Timor (Malay Archipelago)
Savu, Indonesia (121°30'E/10°30'S)
Sumba, Indonesia ( 9°30'S; 119°40'E)
Sumbawa, Indonesia ( 8°26'S; 117°30'E)
USSR : Long East 97°30' to 112°30'East
Vietnam (South)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 112°30' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +07:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +02:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 07:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:20 |
Malaysia, Federation of - Malaya, Singapore
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 105° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +07:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +01:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 07:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:15 |
Cambodia, SE Asia
Christmas Islands, Ind. Ocean (Australian Terr.)
Indonesia :- 1. Bali, 2. Bangka, 3. Belitong, 4. Java, 5. Sumatra
Laos, SE Asia
Natuna Island (4°N, 108°E),
Outer Mongolia
Rhio Archipelago ( near Singapore)
Thailand (Siam)
USSR: Long 82°30E to 97°30E (Krasnoyarsk, New Siberia)
Vietnam (North)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 97°30' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +06:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +01:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 06:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:10 |
Cocos-Keeling Islands (Australian Terr.) 12°12' South; 96°54' East
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 97°00' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +06:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +00:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 06:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:05 |
USSR : Long 67°30' to 82°30'East
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 82°30' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +05:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | +00:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 05:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:00 |
India, Bhutan, Ceylon, Nepal
Andaman Islands 12°N; 92°40'E (Indian Terr.)
Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Islands 73°E/10°N (Indian Terr.)
Nicobar Islands, 8°North (Indian Terr.)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 75° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +05:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -00:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 05:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:05 |
Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean, British Terr. 73°E/5°30'N
Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean, British Terr.
USSR : Long 52°30' to 67°30'East
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 67°30' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +04:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -01:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 04:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:10 |
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 60° East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +04:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -01:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 04:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:15 |
Amirante Islands, Indian Ocean, British Terr., East of Africa 6°S/53°E.
Bahrein Islands, Persian Gulf, 25° N, 50°35'E.
Mauritius (East of Africa)
Oman, Sultanate of ( Masira, Muscat, Salala)
Reunion Islands ( East of Malagasay Republic, Africa)
Saudi Arabia ( Dhahran and Qatar but excluding Jedda)
Seychelles, British Terr., 4°S,55°E
USSR : Long 40°E to 52°30' (Black Sea to Caspian sea)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 52°30' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +03:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -02:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 03:30 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:20 |
Persia or Iran
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 45°00' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +03:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -02:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 03:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:25 |
Afars and Isas Territory (Northeast Africa, formerly French Somaliland)
Aden (Southern Yemen)
Comoro Islands (South East of Tanzania)
Ethiopia (Abyssinia) Africa
Iraq (Middle East)
Kenya, Africa
USSR - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Malagasy Republic (Madagascar), Africa
Saudi Arabia (JEdda, excluding Dhahran and Qatar)
Socotra Islands (Southern Yemen), Mid. East. 12°30'N; 50°E
Somali Republic (former British and Italian Somaliland)
Southern Yemen (Middle East)
Tanzania (union of former Tanganyika and Zanibar)
Uganda, Africa (32°30'E; 1°0' N)
USSR : Long East 40° to West of Moscow, Ukraine and West.
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 30°00' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +02:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -03:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 02:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:35 |
Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland, Africa) 22°E and 23°S.
Bulgaria, E. Europe
Crete (Greece) 25°E; 35°10'N
Cyprus (Mediterranean)
Congolese Republic : ex-Belgian Congo - Eastern part, including Costermansville, Elisabethville, Lusumba and Stanleyville.
Finland, Greece, Isreal, Jordan
* Lebanon
Lesotho (formerly Basutoland, Southern Africa)
Libya (formerly Cyrenaica and Tripolitania)
Malawi (formerly Nyasaland)
Mozambique (Portugues East Africa)
Rumania, Eastern Europe
Rhodesia (formerly Southern Rhodesia, Africa)
South Africa, Republic of
South West Africa (Protectorate of South Africa)
* Sudan
Swaziland (ex-British), Africa
* Syria
* Turkey
* United Arab Republic (formerly Egypt)
Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia, Africa)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 15°00' East |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +01:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -03:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 01:00 am of same day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:44 |
* Albania
Angola (Portuguese West Africa)
Balearic Islands (Spanish), 39°-30'N:2°E
Burundi (seceded from ex-Ruanda Urundi)
Cameroon Republic (union of former French and British Cameroons)
Central African Republic (formerly Ubanghi Shari)
Chad (14°E: 13°20'N)
Congo (Brazzaville), former French Congo
Congolese Republic (ex-Belgian Congo-western part including Coquilhatvile and Leopaldville)
@Corsica Islands (France)
Dahomey, Republic of (Western Africa) 2°E: 8°N.
Fernando po (Spanish Guinea)
@Equatorial Guinea (Spanish Guinea or Rio Muni)
Gabon (Central Africa)
Germany, Federal Republic of (West)
Germany, Democratic Federal of (East)
Liechtenstein (Europe)
Malta (14°-30'E: 35°N) and Gozo (Spain)
Netherlands, The (Holland)
Rwanda (ex-Belgian Ruanda-Urundi)
Sardinia Islands (in Italian Territory) 40°N:9°E
*Sicily (under Italy), Mediterranean
Spitzbergen (Norwegian Territory) 15°E:78°N
United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (Except is summer period every year as may be notified and also prior to 27th October 1968, U.K. generally followed GMT. Since 27th October 1971, Britain has again reverted to G.M.T.)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 00°00' |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | +00:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -05:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:00:00 |
Ascension Islands, Atlantic, Algeria, Canary Islands at (Southwest of Spain) 28°N:15°30'W, *Channel Islands (English channel) 2°30'W/49°30'N, Faeroes, The (Sheep Islands) Danish Terri., 62°N/7°W, Gambia, Africa, Ghana (former Gold Coast, Africa)
Guinea Republic (former French Guinea, Africa)
Ifni (Morocco, Africa)
Ivory Coast, Africa
Mali, North Africa (former French Colony of Soudon)
Mauritania (Africa)
*Moroco (Africa)
Niger (North Africa)
Principe Islands (Portuguese Terr., in Gulf of Guinea, Africa)
Sao Tome-do-at Rio De Oro (Spanish Sahara)
Spanish Sahara, Africa
St. Helena (Atlantic)
Senegal, Africa
Sierra Leone, Africa
Tangier (Morocco), Africa
Togo 1°E/8°N
Tristanda Cunha (Atlan.)
Upper Volta, Africa
United Kingdom ( and Northern Ireland ) ( Except in summer, GMT was always in use. With effect from 27th October 1968, for a period of 3 years British Standard Time faster than GMT by one hour was in use)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 11¼° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -00:45 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -06:15 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 01:15 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:02 |
Liberia, West Africa
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 15° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -01:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -06:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 11:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:04 |
Madeira Islands, Atlantic, Portuguese Terr. (31°30'N/17°W) * Iceland Portuguese Guinea (West Africa), 12°North/15°West
Azores Islands, Atlantic Oce 39°N/27°W (Portuguese)*
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 30° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -02:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -07:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 10:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:14 |
Cape Verde Islands, W.Africa 17°N and 25°W (Portuguese)
Azores Islands (Port.) 39°N/27°W
Fernado Noronha Islands
Greenland (Scoresby Sound)
South Georgin Islands 54°-15'S/38°W
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 45° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -03:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -08:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 09:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:24 |
Greenland ( excluding Secoresby Sound and Thule)
*Brazil (Eastern), including coast
Uruguay, Southern Amer*, Argentina (according to Whitaker's Almanack 1971)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 52°30' West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -03:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -09:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 08:30 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:29 |
*Canada : Newfoundland
*Canada : Labrador
Surinam (Dutch Guiana)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 56°15' West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -03:45 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -09:15 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 08:15 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:32 |
Guyana (ex British Guyana)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 60° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -04:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -09:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 08:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:34 |
Antigua Island (W.Indies)
Argentina, South American (according to Nautical Almance 1972) Long 60°W. cuts through Argentina - Used throughout the year, but may differ from legal time.
Barbados (W.Indies group)
*Brazil (Central)
Bermuda (British Terr.), Cent America
*Canada - Qubec (East of 68°W), North West Territories East of 68°W, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islands
Chile, S. America
Falkland Islands (and Port Stanley) 52S/59°W.
Greenland (Thule area)
Grenada (W.Indies group), Windward Is.
Guadeloupe (French), Windward group of W.Indies
Guiana. French(S Amer)
Lesser Antilles (Windward and Leeward groups of Islands of W.Indies including Anguilla, Barbuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, Dominica, Castries, Barbados, Grenada and Grenadines under British territory and Guadeloupe and Martinique under French administration)
Virgin Islands, USA (W.Indies)
Paraguay, S. America
Puerto Rico (US Caribbean Territory) 6°-20'W/18°15N
St. Pierre(North America)
Trinidad and Tobago
Venezuela, S. America
West Indies : Barbados, Guadeloupe, Leeward Islands, Martinique, Tobago, Trinidad, Windward Islands.
Note : West Indies - Lesser Antilles - Curacao, Aruba and Banaine Islands (Netherlands Terr.) - Observed Standard Time based on Long. 67°30'West which is 4½ hours faster on Greenwich Mean Time ( or 10 hours faster on Indian Std. Time)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 75° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -05:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -10:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 07:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:44 |
Bahama Islands (C.America)
*Brazil (Territory of Acre)
*Canada - Qubec west of Long. 68°W. North-West Territories 68°W to 85°W., Ontario east of 90°W and Ottawa
Cayman Islands (Br. Terr.) south of Cuba
Colombia, S.Amer.
*Cuba (Cen.Amer.)
++ Dominican Republic (Central Amer.), W.Indies, Ecuador. South Amer. Haiti (formerly Saint Domingue), Greater Antilles, Jamaica (W.Indies), Greater Antilles
Panama Canal Zone (USA)
Panama Republic
Peru, S.Amer
*USA - George (Ga), Connecticut (Conn), Delaware (Del), Florida (Fla.) Maine (Me.), Maryland (Md), Massachussetts (Mass), Michigan (Mich), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), Ohio, Pennsylvania (Pa), Rhode Island (RI), South Carolina (SC), Vermount (Vt.), Virginia (Va), Washington Dc (Wash), West Virginia (W.Va)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 90° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -06:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -11:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 06:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:01:53 |
++British Honduras, Cen.Amer., 17°N/88°30'W, Canada : Ontorio (West of 90°W), Manitoba, North-West Territories Long 80°W to 102°W, East Saskatchewan
Costa Rica, Central Amer., Guatemala (Central America)
Honduras Republic (C.Amer.), Mexico (Mexico City only), Nicaragua (C.Amer.), Salvador (C.Amer.)
*USA - Alabama (Ala), Arkansas (Ark), Ilinois (Ill), Indiana (Ind), Iowa, Kansas (Kan), Kentucky (Ky), Louisiana (La), Minnesota (Minn), Mississipi (Miss), Missouri (Mo), Nebraska (Nebr), North Dakota (N-Dak), Oklahama (Okla), South Dakota (Eastern Part), Tennessee (Tenn), Texas (Tex), Wisconsin (Wis).
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 105° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -07:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -12:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 05:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:03 |
*Canada - Saskatchewan, North-West Terr. 102° to 120°W, Alberta.
Mexico - Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit Southern District of Lower
USA - Arizona (Ariz), Colorado (Colo), Idaho Montana (Mont.), New Mexico (N.Mex), South Dakota ( S Dak), West part, Utah and Wyoming
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 120° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -08:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -13:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 04:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:13 |
Alaska (USA) - SouthEast coast, Ketchikan to Skagway
* Canada - Columbia, NorthWest Terr. West of 120°W
Mexico - Northern District of Lower California
*USA - California (Cal), Nevada (Nev), Oregon (Oreg), Washington State (Wash)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 135° West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -09:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -14:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 03:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:23 |
Alaska (USA) - North of Cross
Sound (Skagway) to 141°West
*Canada - Yukon
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 142°30' West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -09:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -15:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 02:30 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:28 |
Marquesas Islands (French Pacific Territory)
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 150°00' West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -10:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -15:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 02:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:33 |
Alaska (USA) 141°W to 162°W
Austral Islands
Christmas Islands (Pacific Ocean)
Fanning Islands
Society Islands (French pacific Terr.)
Hawaii Islands
Low Archipelago (Tuamoti Arch.), French pacific territory
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 157°30' West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -10:30 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -16:00 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 01:30 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:38 |
Cook Islands 20°S/160°W (except Niue whose Std. Time, based on meridian 170°West of Greenwich, is 11:20 hrs. slower to GMT and 16:50 hrs slower to IST.
a. | Central or Standard Meridian | 165°00' West |
b. | Time Difference ahead of GMT | -11:00 hrs |
c. | Time Difference ahead of IST | -16:30 hrs |
d. | LST equivalent at Zero (0) hr GMT or 5:30 am IST | 01:00 pm of previous day |
e. | Sidereal Time correction for Difference in Longitude between the LST Meridian and IST Meridian | 00:02:43 |
Alaska (west coast, i.e. 162°W to Western tip)
Aleutian Islands (USA), Pacific (180°E/51°N)
Johnston Islands (USA) (17°N/169°W)
Midway Islands (USA) 28°N/117°W
Samoa, American (170°W/12°S)
Tonga (Friendly) Islands, Wrangel Islands, USSR := As International Dateline is to the east of these islands they employ a standard time which is faster than GMT 13 hours. Chatham Islands, for similar reasons, uses Standard Time faster on GMT by 12:45 hours.
The line where the change of date occurs is a modification of the 180th meridian and is drawn so as to include islands of any one group on the same side of the line, of for political reasons. It may be traced joining up the following nine points:
No | Latitude | Longitude | |
1 | 60°S | 180° | |
2 | 51°S | 180° | |
3 | 45°S | 172°30'W | |
4 | 15°S | 172°30'W | |
5 | 05°S | 180° | |
6 | 48°N | 180° | |
7 | 53°N | 170°East | |
8 | 65°N | 169°W | through the centre of the Diomede Islands to... |
9 | 68°N | 169°W | Then, Passing east of Herald Island to... |
75°N | 180° |
* Summer Time is kept here
++ Winter Time (1 hour fast on Standard Time) kept here
@Time in actual use, but may differ from legal Time.
There is the Time and there are times also, for choosing the Time, we can help you, how's that ? Refere Muhurat of Panchang*
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