Ancient Chinese were very careful in choosing a site to establish a village, a town, or a capital. A well chosen site could bring prosperity, while a poorly chosen site famine and war. The duty of selecting a site rest on the shoulders of a learned man. Experiences passed on from generation to generation establishing what we call today 'Feng Shui' or more correctly 'Kan Yu'.

Conquering Nature using Science is the philosophy of the West. In the East, people consider themselves part of the Universe they live in. For this reason, man should try to be in harmony with Nature. Feng Shui is simply environmental study. If a Feng Shui practitioner deviates from creating an environment in harmony with Nature, he is not a genuine Feng Shui Master. In fact, "The Burial Book", an early Feng Shui book written by Guo Po in about 300 AD emphasized on preserving the environment. He solemnly told people not to hurt the dragons (mountains) to avoid disasters. Feng Shui Masters in the Tang Dynasty all taught the principle that a structure built in harmony with the energy fields of the Universe would enjoy good Feng Shui. Feng Shui is then the study of how to create a beautifully balanced environment.

KUA Number Calculator
FLYING Stars Calculator
Four Pillars Calculator
Astrological Weight at Birth

Ancient Chinese Feng Shui Masters were overly selfish. They did not teach their students all they knew. Many a master kept the secrets until he was seriously ill and at an old age. In this way a large proportion of valuable knowledge was lost. In the Tang Dynasty, there were more than 120 schools of Feng Shui but none was in possession of the true Feng Shui secret. In the Qing Dynasty, one scholar successfully rediscovered the secrets of Feng Shui and disclosed these great ideas in his famous "Master Zhen's Space and Time Feng Shui Handbook". This book was prone to bitter attacks due to jealousy. The contents of this book together with other genuine Feng Shui concepts are explained in Master Joseph Yu's Feng Shui Correspondence Course, Advanced Level.

Since the seventies Feng Shui was well received by folks in North America. One clever man invented a new school of Feng Shui which is extremely easy to understand. Any house or work place is divided into eight sectors called "life stations". In the beginning these life stations coincide with the eight sectors of the Ba Gua.

Using the compass to determine the facing of a building is no easy task. The extensive use of electrical appliances interferes with earth’s magnetic field making measurements difficult. This school of Feng Shui abolishes the use of the compass altogether. They claim that the entrance to a building is always the Career Life Station making Feng Shui so much easier to practice. Some practitioners claim their Feng Shui to be of Tibetan origin. Others say that such claims are merely part of a marketing ploy that exploits American ignorance of Asian history. Some are honest to call the kind of Feng Shui they practice "creative Feng Shui". They are honest to admit they created a method of placement which is different from genuine Feng Shui. They also integrate psychology into their practice. All these are more appropriately called "Pseudo-Feng Shui".

Looking into the future, Feng Shui will be the Science of tomorrow. Though Feng Shui theories have not yet been proved using any known scientific method, the principles underlying agree with Quantum Physics and Relativity. It is unfortunate that people include superstition in their marketing plan and practice. It is my hope and belief that more and more people will learn this art (if not science) with seriousness. In the near future, people who use religion and transcendental nonsense as their marketing humbug will have to vanish.

Seeking Harmony

When a house is built, the first concern is the choice of site. A house is considered fortunate if it is conformable to its surroundings. The following are some of the findings of Feng Shui studies in the old days which may still hold true today.


1 Government offices absorb the necessary "sheng chi" or vital energy leaving practically nothing for neighboring buildings. Therefore it is not advisable to live too close to government offices.
2Angular Features Send Shar Chi It is not advisable to live near a temple or a church. Yin and Yang are not balanced. Churches, Crosses & Spires - Don't live in homes facing the spires or crosses atop a church as these angular features send inauspicious energy your way. While the cross protects the church itself it sends harmful shar chi towards you. If your main door faces a cross or the spires of a church try to use another door as your main door. In addition, places or worship often have an excess of yin energy and living too close can upset the balance of energy in your home.
3Graveyards exude yin energy - It is not advisable to live near a graveyard or a funeral home. Sorrow is contaminating.
4It is not advisable to live near a butchery. Killing destroys harmony.
5It is not advisable to live near a brothel where evil energy hovers.
6It is not advisable to live near a casino where crime sprouts.
7It is not advisable to live near a school because of the lack of balance in Yin and Yang.
During the day the school children fill the place with Yang chi leaving only Yin chi behind at night.
8It is not advisable to live near a hospital. Sickness destroys vital energy.
9A dwelling should not be too much taller than neighboring houses. To stand out prominently also destroys harmony.
10A square or rectangular building plot is most suitable.
11A pie-shaped lot which widens at the back is preferred to one that narrows towards the back.
12A house too much smaller than its neighbors is considered undesirable.
13A house must invite ample sunlight and well ventilated. This allows the house to be filled with vital energy.
14Avoid having a rapid stream running nearby. This disturbs the tranquility of the neighborhood. Likewise a straight road with speeding vehicles has the same effect.
15A straight road running directly towards a house is to be avoided. Evil energy is brought to attack the house.
16A meandering river and likewise a winding road is considered fortunate as it carries good energy to a house.
17Bridges - Energy around bridges is very powerful due to heavy concentration of traffic... and houses built at either end of a bridge will usually suffer from too much yang energy causing an unsettled atmosphere, and conflict between residents of such a household.
18High Voltage Transmission Towers can really cause problems with your feng shui. If you do live in the vicinity of such towers, try planting strong high trees and foliage between your home and the transmission tower, or build a small pond to offset the fire energy of the tower - use water if possible here.
19Other Buildings/Surrounding apartments - the elevations and shapes of surrounding buildings could be potentially threatening so be aware of any sharp or jagged edges pointed outard... towards your condominium or apartment.
20Communication Towers - Anything Tall & Straight - These are structures that you do not want your main entrance to face directly. If this is your problem you should use another entrance or again plant trees or foliage to block out the view. If you live in an apartment the best thing to do is to use heavy drapes to completely block out the towers.
20Police Station and prisons are threatening in terms of the amount of yin energy they exude. The same applies to abandoned builidings and houses as well as graveyards and hospitals. Best not to live too close to such places. Dumps and rubbish heaps are also pretty bad.
21These are just a few of the structures that may be affecting the feng shui of your home. Generally if they are very far off they will not cause you problems... but the most important thing is if the structure feels threatening to you. If it does, then take the appropriate action.
22Be sure to take care of any poison arrows sending shar chi towards your home or apartment first, before getting started on the feng shui of the interior of your home or apartment.


Ancient Feng Shui classics deal mostly with graves. The theory underlying is actually more apt for application to houses. To study the Feng Shui of a house we have to investigate two aspects that are supplementary to each other. We employ mathematical formulas to graph the distribution of energies inside and outside the house. We also observe the exterior environment and the interior design of the house. If the form and material conform with the energy distribution, we have good Feng Shui. If the form and material attack the good energy and reinforce the evil energy, we have bad Feng Shui.

Authentic Feng Shui has the following characteristics :

  1. A compass is used to determine the direction of the facing of a house. This compass does not have to be the traditional Feng Shui Master's Compass or "Lo Pan". As long as the accurate reading can be taken, the instrument is acceptable. A surveyor's compass is fine. A "Lo Pan" is just more convenient.
  2. The charting of chi in the form of "star allocation" is used to determine the chi structure of a house.
  3. The time element is also considered. The date of " completion", i.e. the day the house is ready for use is considered the birthday of the house. We actually only have to know the cycle and period the birthday falls into.
  4. The life-gua for each individual living in a house is calculated. Reference is made to the adaptability of the individual to the bedroom.
  5. Recommendations can be explained in terms of Wu Xing.
  6. Site study from the Form School of view is explained and recommendations that goes well with the surroundings are prescribed. In other words, no weird objects like a Bagua mirror, a sword or a flute will be used.
  7. Nothing is not explainable by logic.
  8. Payment can be made in cash or check whether or not in a "red packet".

Yin & Yang

The complementary, polar forces of the universe, whose tension and conflict resolve in balance, order and change; a central concept in Confucianism and Taoism. Yin is the female power, associated with darkness, cold, the earth and passivity; yang is the male power, associated with light, heat, the heavens, and action. In traditional Chinese thought, neither force has supremacy over the other, but their power is cyclical, each one alternately dominant and recessive, and ultimately complementary. Their interaction accounts for the changing seasons, the harmony of nature, and the progression of change through the resolution of opposites. The terms, originally referring to the contrast between shaded and sunny spots in nature, came to represent the idea that all of creation is governed by binary forces, conflicting but interdependent. Yin and yang are conventionally symbolized by two curved, reciprocal shapes in contrasting shades, forming a circle.
Feng Shui is belancing the nature, considering Yin and Yang.

Special Tips

No. Matters  
1 Childless couples  
2 Coping with difficult children  
3 Getting married  
4 Desk measurement Length 60 in, width 35 in, height 33 in.
5Chair measurementHeight 43 in.

Basics for Harmony

3Elements / Type 

Remedial Measures:

Bright Yang Energy enhances forgotten corners


Using lights to enhance the energy of tight corners is very effective. The yang energy created immediately brightens up any stale or stagnant energy that may have collected in narrow hallways, small areas and tight, forgotten corners.

You can also hang a bright light directly in front of a staircase to overcome bad feng shui when stairs start directly in front of the main door or end directly facing a bedroom door. Lights should be left on for at least three hours every night to be effective.

KUA Calculator

Birth Year Table For Personal Kua Numbers

Birth YearKua Number
1910, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, 200996
1911, 1920, 1929, 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 201087
1912, 1921, 1930, 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 201178
1913, 1922, 1931, 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003, 201269
1914, 1923, 1932, 1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004, 201351
1915, 1924, 1933, 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005, 201442
1916, 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006, 201533
1917, 1926, 1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, 201624
1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 201715

Note: There is an exception for those who were born before 4th February; they should refer to the previous birth year to get their personal kua numbers, but for actual break-up periods i.e. the exact lunar years, you should refer table given in Chinese Astrology.

Reigning Number

No.YearsThe Lo Shu Square
  The original Lo Shu
7 1984-2003


Terms Description
Feng Shui Feng means wind and shui means water. Ancient Chinese considered a site to be fortunate if it was sheltered from the attack of ill winds and untamed waters. It was considered more fortunate if the wind and water could bring comfort and fertility to the dwellers.
Kan Yu Kan means time factor and Yu means geographical concern. Kan Yu is the study of a site with reference to the time factor.
Ba Gua
Yin and Yang the concept of being negative and positive, darkness and brightness, female and male, static and dynamic, flexible and rigid, etc.

feng shui Tips

Mirrors reflecting the cooking fire bring about accidents and problems with young children.

Feng Shui & Face

Discover the Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Smile

Most of us are unaware of our everyday facial expressions... unless we're laughing, crying, angry or sad.  Even then we may not really be aware of how we look or the message we are sending.  If you stop for a minute right now and look in the mirror and analyze your dominant facial expression...what do you see? 

Your Facial Expression...Is it Yin or Yang?

The way that we carry our face is an expression of our inner minds and hearts and indicates the strength of yin or yang chi within us.  When we display yang chi or positive chi it can be great yang, bright yang or lesser yang... and these three levels reveal the amount of positive essence in your hidden nature.  Yang faces are smiling faces... but as we know there are many kinds of smiles!  When you are truly joyous your face reflects bright yang which is well-balanced.  Not quite so happy - a reduced level of joy with some yin entering reflects lesser yang.  Great yang reflects an excess of joy...almost to the point of being a bit smug.   

Bright Yang faces are truly joyous!

Yin faces on the other hand reflect negativity, depression or boredom and usually manifest as sad or unhappy expressions.  A great yin expression may be one of grief while lesser yin reflects mild sadness or anger.  Some facial expressions contain both yin and angry faces are often described a yin turning yan. 

So now let's go back to the mirror and your dominant expression... because you'll also need to look at the shape of your face!  Right... there are five basic shape faces and each is ruled by one of the five elements.  Your face shape reveals a lot about your personality and careers that might work for you! 

Yin faces reflect depression or sadness

What Element Rules Your Face?

1 WOOD ELEMENT FACE  long, oval or oblong shaped.  You're usually optimistic with natural elegance and work well alone but you're also a team player. When you wear a yang expression your optimism exudes with enthusiasm and you're the star! You'll do well in industries involving communication with others. When you carry a yin expression you look more serious and conservative... so you're not in the forefront but the brains behind another individual or project. 
2 FIRE ELEMENT FACE triangular or heart-shaped.  You have powerful and hidden ambitions and when you wear a bright yang face you are charming and can persuade others to your way of thinking.  When you adopt a yin expression... especially a lesser yin face you look somewhat mysterious...even irresistible. 
3 METAL ELEMENT FACE  it's round shaped. When you smile you attract good luck but if your face is dominated by yin expressions you project a perpetual look of depression.  You're quite inflexible and like others to accommodate you.   You're focus and single-minded - especially about wealth creation and you don't socialize easily. 
4 EARTH ELEMENT FACE square-shaped.  Your face looks full and stable - in fact you emit an aura of strength and stability.  Your temperament is even and you don't lose your cool easily... you always show the best side of yourself.  You keep things to yourself... you're private by nature and usually successful in your line of work.  Although you may appear a  bit "detached" you're really very aware and pick up everything that is going on around you. 
5 WATER ELEMENT FACE curvy face with high cheek bones and rounded slightly protruding foreheads. 
You're an extrovert by nature and don't anger easily.  You're witty and find success in the entertainment or communication industries. Somehow smiles don't work as well for water faces as for the other elements. 

Discover the Fortune Of Your Smile


So consider your expression... each time you're angry or scowling... what kind of yin energy are you showing to the world?  On the other hand nothing melts a person's heart  more than when you smile at them with genuine happiness and pleasure.  Remember... if you want to charm or impress someone begin with a smile... become conscious of your facial expressions.  Try it.  When you display genuine yang chi to the world you will attract much good fortune! 

Many people ask me why I seem so happy all of the time? It's because I am...and my facial expression usually reflects bright yang energy! 


The Chi

The Chi Around Your Home

Chi, or energy is always swirling around the is the magic life force that pervades every nook and cranny of the universe, including of course your home and surroundings. Here are some things to consider about the nature of chi.

Chi moves slowly, it never moves too fast. Beneficial chi meanders and never moves in a straight line. It will settle and accumulate in an area where there is a good balance of yin and yang energy and also requires the air to be fresh and clean. When the chi is beneficial, it brings strength and good is vibrant and full of the air, under the ground in water and within your human body as well.

When the atmosphere gets too damp, too wet, too dry or too hot the chi becomes stale and when your home gets dirty the chi turns insipid.

Watch for Blockages

In feng shui the chi that flows around your home should never be blocked. That's why when plumbing does not work it should be fixed immediately. When your drains get blocked it is believed that the luck of the family will deteriorate.

Flow is Important

The room layout and design flow of your home...the doors and the windows, which lead the flow of chi from room to room, should always cause the flow to meander - and chi should never be allowed to flow in a straight line. When chi gathers speed it turns malicious. For this reason, it's considered a major feng shui taboo when two or three doors are in a straight line...especially three doors with one opening onto another. This represents bad luck - even more so when one of the doors is the main front door and one is the back door.
Another variation is having a mirror that directly reflects the main door. Any chi entering the house will be forced to fly straight out again.

Water Features Are Auspicious

Chi will stop and settle when it encounters water. For this reason water features are said to be auspicious. In feng shui water also represents money so the presence of water in the vicinity of a home tends to bring good luck through the front door. Water however must be oriented correctly in order to tap its benefits.

The Outside Counts Too

Physical features of the environment surrounding your home will affect the intrinsic nature of chi. When the encircling hills and mountains encourage the chi to settle the effect is good. When they encourage it to dissipate then the effect is of course bad. Remember that buildings, roads and other man-made structures are all part of the environment and affect the flow of chi. If chi encounters a sharp or angular structure it can take on a hostile nature and transform into "shar chi" or harmful energy. Beneficial chi for future reference is called "sheng chi".

Always consider the flow of chi and respect this magical life force.

Remedial Materials

1 Pa Kua  
2 Wind Chime  
3 Mirror  
4 Bowls Rice Bowl
5 Plants, Flowers Orange, Lime Plant, Cactuss, Bonsai
6 Aquarium Fish / Carp
7 Calligraphy  
8 Pictures Photos, Portraits / Silver picture frame
9 Curtains, Blinds, Drapes
Curtains and drapes often add a feeling of luxury and finish to a room! But heavy drapes or curtains in your home will always attract YIN energy...especially if they are floor length and cover a big window...or don’t get opened frequently! Real germs can build up over time and negative spirits may lurk there as well. So for good feng shui, they must be frequently cleaned and constantly opened and closed so that energy around them does not stagnate. 
10 Carpets  
11 Bed spreads Mattresses
12 Coins  
13 Bells  
14 Cooker  
15 Brooms & Mops  
16 Shelf Opened / Closed
17 Mandarin Ducks  
18 Crystals  
19 Lights

Halogens, Spotlights, bright, red lamps


Install bright lights in
South for Fame Luck

Energize Your FAME Luck!

You can energize your fame luck by improving the feng shui of the SOUTH, which governs the luck of recognition and respect. Do this by installing bright lights in the south side of your home or office. This year the magnifying power of 9 has flown to the south, second only to the number 8 in bringing good fortune and prosperity. It’s always good to enhance the FIRE energy of the 9 which is its intrinsic element, made even brighter this year since it’s in it’s home location
20 Double Happiness Symbol  
21 Male / Female Artifacts  
22 Hexagram kun, chien, sheng  
23 Chandelier  
24 Candles  
25 Branches, Pine  
26 Hollow Bamboo tied with red ribbon  
27 Turtle / Terrapins  
28 Windows  
29 Vase  
30 Laughing Budha
Red Robed Laughing Buddha with Gold Ingot:
This Laughing Buddha is an excellent remedy for the #3 quarrelsome star. The red and gold colours represent the fire and metal elements, which counter the argumentative energies of the #3 wood star. The Laughing Buddha is also known as the Buddha of Happiness, as this wonderful deity is famous for transforming people's problems into happiness! Invite this Laughing Buddha in your home and display him in the Northwest to bring peace and harmony to the household and to attract good fortune for the residents.
This fat Buddha is really popular with businesses, especially restaurants...with his huge fat belly (which is supposed to contain much wealth) and happy smiling face. Some believe if you stroke his belly at least once every day you will have good wealth luck and just seeing how happy he is makes you happy too. You might also find the laughing Buddha standing with both his hands outstretched in the air or sitting down in the lotus position surrounded by children.
31 Three legged Frog  
32 Bamboo  
33 Home Alter  
34 Pot of peacock feathers  
35 FUK, LUK, SAU Probably the most popular are the three star gods, Fuk Luk and Sau , which translated literally means wealth, affluence and longevity and implicit in their presence in your home is protection against premature death (longevity luck) and serious illness, plenty of good fortune & prosperity and of course good relationship luck.
These three gods representing the main aspects of good fortune always stand together. Fu'k , the God of Happiness, is taller than the other two gods and always stands in the center, L'uk , the God of High Rank holds the scepter of authority and stands on the right and Sau, the God of Longevity with his domed head , walking stick and carrying a peach stands on the left.
The dining room is an excellent place to display them so that every time you sit down to eat you and your family receive good chi from them. In fact in my home I actually have two lovely well-crafted sets, which I have specifically placed in certain locations. One set is placed on the sideboard in the dining room facing northeast which is the sitting direction of my home and another set is placed outside facing southeast and overlooking the north pond. So you see I have one set of F'uk, L'uk Sau facing a west group direction and the other set facing an east group all family members benefit!
So these three deities should definitely have a place in your home if you believe in feng shui... as they signify you personal inner desires and aspirations and grant you protection. F'uk L'uk Sau benefits everyone, even if you are not of Chinese descent, so I urge you to invite them into your home today.
36 TSAI SHEN YEH Another well-known wealth god is Tsai Shen Yeh - you can find this god in shrines and temples with a fierce countenance and usually seated on a tiger. The Chinese believe that if you place this god deep in your home but facing your main door that wealth will come into your home - so for example on your living room table but facing the main door.
37 WONG CHOY SAN Yet another popular wealth deity is Wong Choy San, often depicted carrying a rat with gold bars at his feet. Households that worship him believe they will receive benefits of his great generosity.
Kuan K'ung is the God of Protection and God of War and some regard him as the God of Wealth too. He's believed to be so fierce in nature that evil spirits do not dare enter the house if he is guarding the entrance...and he's particularly popular as the patron of certain triads, the police and other business groups...and often found at business and restaurant entrances.
This is but a very small sampling of a few of the many popular Chinese gods, and there are many fact many overlap with gods represented in different forms and worshipped in other cultures where different branches of Buddhism are practiced. It's fascinating to learn more about the backgrounds of each Deity but you'll have to plan plenty of time for this extended study!
39 Basement Apartments and Lower Units
Install Bright lights at
entrace of basement 

Basement apartments are not usually auspicious because feng shui doesn’t recommend living below road level. However, if you do live in such an apartment you can enhance the chi by installing bright lights at the entrance to “raise” the energy and encourage the chi to flow into your apartment. Now if your lower level or basement unit opens into a garden at the back then your feng shui will be considerably improved.
40 Acknowledge Others Always acknowledge those who have helped you. People feel really special when they are genuinely recognized for help given in shaping your success no matter how big or small the role they played. Write a quick thank you won’t take long and you’ll make someone feel very special!
41 Make Your Space More Comfortable Our clothes and bodies require regular washing to feel clean and comfortable and likewise so do the spaces we occupy. Energy can get stale, dirty and cleansing your space on a regular basis should be as natural as any other housekeeping chore. Purify your space today - it will make your home a lot nicer to live in!
42 Waterfalls for Wealth If you have a large enough garden then building a waterfall in the north is excellent feng shui. Do be careful to make it proportional to the size of your home and be sure the water is flowing inward - toward your home rather than away from it. Waterfalls with soft rhythmic sound are better than loud crashing opt for the less powerful pump. Also remember that most of the time slow-moving water is better than fast moving water.
43 You Can Always Pretend To attract career success and good fortune you must believe that you are the best at whatever you do. Develop an attitude of confidence and your inner consciousness will manifest abilities within you that you never knew existed! If you have trouble believing that you are the best in your field then just pretend. Your subconscious mind will not differentiate.
44 Dotting the Eyes of the Dragon

The Dragon is the ultimate auspicious creature, which brings yang energy, protection and abundant good luck. With the presence of the Dragon in your home, you are able to enjoy good fortune luck that comes your way. 

Invite the Dragon into your home and dot his eyes so he comes alive. The following are the steps to take when dotting the eyes of your Dragon.

  1. Choose a porcelain, brass or golden dragon - a dragon that you connect with and like! Don’t get too large an sure to keep things in balance with the rest of your home décor.
  2. Check our 2013 Feng Shui Almanac and select a Dragon day.
  3. Note that the Dragon hour is between 7 am and 9 am.
  4. Use a new brush and some red ink (preferably cinnabar ink) to dot the eyes of your Dragon.
  5. Make sure your dragon is facing EAST when you do this ceremony.
  6. Use incense to awaken the energy of the Dragon.

After the ritual is complete, place the Dragon in your living room, if possible facing East. A Dragon can live inside or outside the home and still bring you an abundance of good luck and protection.

If your Dragon cannot face East, you can place your Dragon facing water, since the presence of yang water makes Dragon symbols awaken and exude the precious breath of chi. So when you create water feature in home, it is good idea to place at least one Dragon facing that body of water to bring prosperity.??

Never place your Dragon in the following areas:

  1. Inside the toilet or bathroom or even facing the toilet or bathroom.
  2. In the SOUTH in the sector of FIRE
  3. Never above a fireplace since this implies that the fire energy is burning him.
  4. Never have a Dragon image in your bedroom - it will cause excessive yang energy.
  5. Never put a Dragon inside a closet
45 Leave the Lights On At Night It’s a good habit to develop...leaving a few lights on at night. This will ensure that the yang energy never goes out. I always leave a light on at the front entrance (inside the house is better than outside) and also at the back of the house.
46 Ceiling

Speaking of yin and yang...don’t paint your ceilings a dark yin colour such as blue or purple or dark grey. This represents dark clouds casting a long shadow resulting in obstacles for all your projects. Dark ceilings are never encouraged in any home.

A pair of walking camels will help those of you in business that are in need of a remedy to counter being hit by cash flow problems. Single humped camels have traditionally been used for stabilizing finances and safeguarding wealth. Double humped camels have always been used to symbolize overcoming financial difficulties and cash flow problems. Camels have also been used to counter the absence of lap chun which we experienced this year since Chinese New Year came after the4th of February.

Basic Guidelines on Altar Placement

First of all, most Chinese believe that one of the most auspicious places to locate the family altar is in the foyer or part of the hall that directly faces the front door. This way, the minute that we walk into our homes we see the altar. In accordance with feng shui, the altar can also be placed on the Northwest part of the house or room since the Northwest represents Heaven.

Irrespective of where you place your altar, please observe the following:

  • You should always place your Buddha or Kuan Yin diety in an elevated position or place.
  • Your altar should be clean at all times and incense should never be allowed to appear uncared for, especially if the altar is facing the front door.
  • Keeping the altar lights on at all times attracts good chi energy and is even more powerful than having a crystal chandelier. In my home I have activated both.
  • The deity or holy object (whether it is a statue of a painting) should not share a wall with a toilet, as it is most inauspicious.
  • The deity or holy object should not be directly below a toilet upstairs - this is also inauspicious.
  • The deity should not be placed directly facing the door into a toilet as this direction is most inauspicious.
  • The diety should not be placed underneath a staircase since this means that the residents will regularly step over the deity.
  • The deity should not be placed in the bedroom.

Make Your Staircase Lucky & Auspicious

The staircase of your home is important...and many feng shui practitioners often overlook it. There are many wonderful ways of enhancing the feng shui of your staircase to encourage good fortune to rise and make its way to the private quarters of the family. Here are a few tips for you:

  1. Always keep the staircase and landing well lit since this attracts the chi to flow up the stairs.
  2. Hang a lucky or auspicious painting at the landing. A nice family portrait is okay here.
  3. If you have a narrow staircase you can overcome this by hanging a large mirror that will visually widen it. This should be on the side wall of the staircase and will allow for even greater good fortune.
  4. Make sure that your staircase steps are solid and there are no holes in between the steps. This ensures that the money in the family will not seep out. If you do have holes between the steps the immediately close them with additional pieces of wood.
  5. Your staircase should not immediately face the front door. If so the chi will fly too quickly up the staircase upon entering the home. To counter this you can place a screen in the entry to divert and slow down the chi.

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